Thursday, February 23, 2012

If I were Facebooking

I gave up FB for Lent this year, thinking that this time could be better used for reflection, meditation, and prayer during the Holy Season. I used FB to keep my family updated on goings-on, also to spy on family and friends. (Another stalker moment I know, but only stage 3 this time) I was not one of those who posted about their entire day schedules ( I think we all have someone on FB who does this) , but if I were, it might look something like this:

6:30- wake up and hit snooze

7:00 wake up, use bathroom, wake up Bookworm and offer the day up to Our Lord.

7:15 Pour bowl of cereal, go to frig and realize I hadn’t run to the store to buy milk. Dump Cereal back into box and decide to fix oatmeal (instant of course) with toast.

7:30 pour coffee and sit down to read blogs. Text hubby to pick up milk on his way home.

8:00 Bookworm heads at the door and I hit re-play button on cowboy movie (aka Toy Story) for Tay Bug, then head to wake other lifeless children.

8:15 make toast for myself warm up coffee in microwave and get distracted by Tay Bug.

8:45 change movie from Toy story to horsy movie (aka Tangled)

9:00 Baby girl is up and moving, but I have yet to see any of the boys….ugh

9:10 I decide to take a shower before fighting the boys to get up so I will have hot water today, realize that the caffeine buzz hasn’t hit yet, I turn to get my coffee mug and find it in the microwave where I left it. Hit the start button again and head for the shower.

9:15 Find Captain has beat me to the shower, turn back to retrieve my coffee. Drink a few sips then off to get the other boys up….again

9:30 Change poopie diaper, feed cat who keeps rubbing up on my lag begging for food, lazily make my bed while grumbling that Captain is still in the shower. Pick up things as I walk back to the kitchen to drink my coffee.

9:45 I spy my toast sitting on the counter with finger marks through the peanut butter, deciding it’s still edible I smear another spoonful of peanut butter on it and eat it. Giving thanks that the peanut butter wasn’t licked off this time. Captain emerges from shower; I frown at him knowing he used all the hot water- he hugs me thus melting my heart, okay Captain your off the hook this time.

10:00 still no life from the boys, so I head off to find them still asleep. I wake them again threatening Leonardo with cold water if he doesn’t get up this time. It works! I walk down the hall telling myself I NEEDED to make those schedules and set routines for the kids. Must write this down or I will forget, head to kitchen, get side tracked with coffee once again-never making note about schedules.

10:15 snuggle with Firecracker in my bed and then draw him a warm bath with the little water hot left in the tank.

10:30 I spy Captain pouring cereal and tell him there is no milk- Its instant oatmeal and toast today dear. Run back too tend to Firecracker and have Baby girl play with Tay. Firecracker finds his bath irritating and I know it’s going a long day with my high spirited boy. I spend the next few minutes trying to talk him into scrubbing up and end with a bribe to make a smoothie if he lets me at least wash his hair. Bingo- it works!

10:40 chase one naked Firecracker down twice to get him dressed. He will streak thoughout the day- it’s what he does best.

10:50 tell Baby girl to get off computer games since it’s a school day- I will do this throughout the day with all kids. Reheat coffee.

11:00 Make triple berry smoothie with Friecracker. Life is good at this very moment, I am grateful. Captain makes himself a ham and cheese sandwich with chips for breakfast. Yes, I have no control over my children!

11:15 children do morning chores; I do dishes and start laundry.

12:00 come to realize I am still not showered and it is obviously going to be a jammie day for all.

12:30 Send kids out to play and I fix lunch. Find coffee in microwave and decide to down the entire cup, cold. Yes, I need that caffeine fix bad right now and then chase it with a piece of chocolate. Mom is happy!

1:30 School starts with Morning Offering, Our Father, Religion, Math and Language Arts.
Story book with little ones
Coloring books and sheets
Nick Jr.

3:00 try to put Tay down for nap but give up, mom will be home soon-she can try another go at nap time.

3:30 Abram come home from school, house is messy, loud and chaotic- I call it a half day.

3:45 afternoon chores for kids

4:00 Sweet-pea is home, Tay is napping and I head for the shower. Shortly after that idea, Sweet-pea jumps in shower and I am bumped to back of line once again.

4:30 pick up house, do more laundry sit down and read for a bit

5:30 dinner time and no clue what to fix. I forgot to pull meat out of the freezer. Rummage through pantry. Tell myself I need to make weekly meal plan along with schedules for kids- go to write that down.

5:35 Firecracker hits bother (again), all out fight breaks out that needs a referee.

5:45 All is calm; I forget what I was doing and head to cook pasta and salad for dinner.

6:30 dinner is done and we sit to pray, eat and share about the day.

7:30 clean off Table, pick up house, and tend to little ones.

8:00 family Rosary

8:30 Send kiddos to get ready for bed watch some TV or a movie until 9:00

9:00 tell kids to head to bed and microwave some Sleepy Time tea.

9:30 tell kids to head to bed again and this time I mean it! Hubby can't find his work clothes-ugh, which basket (or pile) are they in

9:45 Lay down with Firecracker, say bedtime prayers and hope I don’t fall asleep first.

10:30 I head to bed- no shower today, so I set my alarm for the morning to allow a shower before getting kids up.

10:45 Captain comes in from his room, dogs bark and I get up to see what in the H*** is going on. He find my tea in the microwave, I drink it cold.

11:00 I am back in bed and sleep takes over

1:00 A.M Baby girl wakes me with her sleep walking and I put her back to bed

2:20 Firecracker comes in to co-sleep

3:28 Cat wakes me as she is trying to get a drink from the tub. Yes, she is the only cat I know who drinks from the tub, not a bowl.

4:30 hubbies alarm goes off for work. I pray for more sleep and my prayer is answered.

6:30 My alarm goes off, I don’t hit snooze today, instead I stumble into the shower. I am Thankful for hot water and cleanliness. I offer up a new day!

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