Sunday, April 25, 2010


Outside my window: The sun is shining without the wind that we have been having lately.

I am listening to: The Barbie Mermaid movie playing that we just got in from Netflix.

I am reading: The new issue of The Old Schoolhouse magazine I just received in the mail.

I am pondering: I am trying not to ponder anything! My brain hurts from being lost in thought over Bookworm and what is to come with and from all the meetings, emails, and phone calls ( with Attorney and social worker) that have filled our lives over the past week, spilling into this coming up week. I am at the point that all I can do is offering it up too God and fully Trust in Him. Whatever the outcome, it will be His will.

I am wearing: Black yoga Capri, lime green tank-top with a black t-shirt over that. Maybe if I dress sporty it might motivate me to exercise. (Wishful thinking)

In my kitchen: Chili is simmering and it will be served with cinnamon rolls for dinner.

I am creating: My daybook entry.

I am thankful for: The herb-Melitona, it is a life saver for the insomnia I have had this week.

In my garden: Well more like in my yard, 100s of dandelion. I might even try to make some syrup from the recipe that The Foss Family posted on their blog.

A Round the House: Lots of work to do, again.

On Keeping House: Working on the laundry pile that is growing rapidly.

Plans for the New Week:
Monday- School/testing
Tuesday- School, Karate and Baseball games
Wednesday- School/ testing
Thursday- Meeting with Social worker and follow up with phone call to Attorney. Karate Celebration
Saturday- Baseball games

Hopes and prayers: peace and serenity

Living the Liturgy: I am still working on this, so far- just praying when I can.

Rhyme and Beauty: Trying to make and stick to a routine. Something we all need, but it constantly gets thrown off track with our family.

Living Education: Just ordered all the geography items for our USA Scrapbook. Can’t wait for my order to come in or too see the looks on the kids face when they each get a kit of their own. :0)

I am thinking: Is it bed time yet and my long list of things to do today.

Plans for the new week: Still working on wrapping up the school year. The boys CAT test is the main priority this week.

One of my favorite things: My children’s smiles! They can make the worst of days shine like a rainbow, once I see their beautiful smiles.

Sharing my photos thoughts:

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