Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Holy Week Daybook

Outside my window...Sunny and 52*

I am thinking...When is the raging child going to stop raging. Ugh, this gets so old!

I am thankful for... Some time with hubby doing some Easter shopping.

Learning all the time…the kids Science stuff is coming in still. All of them will be learning about Human Anatomy this year and I am pretty excited myself.

Learning the Liturgical Year at Home… It’s Holy week and we will be at Mass quite a bit this week. Caleb will be watching the Passion with us on Good Friday. He has been very hesitating on doing this, so I was surprised when he said he would watch the movie with us this Friday. Caleb also was hoping to see the play “Passion”, however it looks like it won’t be playing near us any time soon. :0(

From the kitchen...Sunday is soup and sandwiches. Monday its Seafood Linguini and tossed salad. I don't have a plan for the entire week yet. I hope to make some sweet bread for our tea time with some great history read aloud.

I am wearing...long sleeve tee, jeans and clogs. I love my clogs, love them.

I am creating...lesson plans (still) and I have been working on binders this week. What a task this has been!

I am going... to share this link with you, a must read from Elizabeth Foss.

I am reading...Still working on that same stack of books. I have started our History program again and that means mom reading aloud to the little ones; gosh we have missed this time of slowing down and listening to great books. We are about 6 months behind on History as our move has set us back. But will it really matter since we do summer school, nay, I don't think so.

I am hoping… Too survive a very chaotic week.

Pondering these words
Prayer for Holy Week
Jesus, in death you became like us to the end,
and in resurrection you point the way to what we will be.
In bad times give us confidence and faith,
in good times give us hope and joy,
and in all times give us love,
for you are love and hope from God. Amen.

I am hearing... a bit of nothing at this moment and it so nice to have quietness. ;0)

Around the house...kids are back and the house is thrashed, need I say more?

One of my favorite things...Shopping for Easter clothes. I love all the pretty dresses, hats and crisp white girly shoes. Oh and those toddler boy shorts with cute v-neck vest. I could go broke during Easter time, no wait-I did go broke this Easter season.

A few plans for the rest of the week: I have a busy, busy and very busy week planed. I will be indulging in a lot of coffee.
Monday-Day care kids and Baseball practice
Tuesday-softball practice (might have grandson in the afternoon all week)
Wednesday-Baseball practice
Thursday-Baseball practice, Mass
Friday-Dance, Softball practice and Mass
Saturday-Knights of Columbus Easter egg hunt, Visit friends farm and Mass
Sunday- Easter Mass

Sharing a photos moment…
Tay bug out at nap time, but I had to take a picture of those yummy cheeks!

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing in the world sweeter than a child falling asleep on your shoulder. I LOVE it! super cute photo.
